Yesterday I put out a new podcast. It’s called ‘Jen Ives The Podcast’, and as far as I’m concerned, personally, it’s the definitive Jen Ives podcast. There have been others in the past, but this one is so Jen Ives that only approximately 0.8% of my audience will enjoy it. It’s unadulterated, pure ‘Jen Ives’ at it’s very most self indulgent and inaccessible. What I’m saying is, there’s a high probability that you won’t like it. If you think you’d like to try and prove me wrong though, you can listen to it here: click here for Jen Ives The Podcast. (it’s also on Apple Podcasts, and all those other apps that nobody uses).
I have a work in progress gig tonight at Streatham Space, where I’m workshopping some material for one of my two new shows ‘Doll’. If by any chance you’re looking for something to do tonight in London, you can get tickets here.
The show is simply an hour of new stuff. Totally zany random thoughts. You know the score. Just absolutely crackers things I’ve noticed over the past 6 months. I’m in quite a nice position, really, as I’m not going to Edinburgh this year - so there’s no pressure on this one. I have over a whole year to make it as good as I can, and there’s already a fair bit there. But a lot can happen in a year, you know? I’m sure that absolute character Elon Musk will do something silly! And then pow - a whole new bit for Jen. But seriously though, it’s gonna be a nice, relaxed, friendly show - with me possibly saying some accidentally libelous things. What’s not to like?
My other new show (or as I like to call it ‘The Other Woman’) is ‘Pasta Comedian’ - which is a comedy show all about pasta. No pasta puns, just groundbreaking observations about pasta and pasta related themes. It has a bit of a different energy to ‘Doll’, I’ll be real with you. But that’s the dichotomy of life, isn’t it? That’s Yin. That’s Yang. That’s the Shadow Self. It’s about pasta. Anyway, I’m doing a work in progress of that, too, this coming Saturday at The King’s Head Theatre in Islington. There are still tickets available if you’d like to come along. Just a warning for the faint of heart - the show really is entirely about pasta, so if you don’t like pasta - this might not be for you. I’ve already had experiences with audiences coming to see it, thinking that it wouldn’t actually be entirely about pasta, and learning pretty damn quickly that when I say a show is about pasta, it usually is Tickets here.
Taking on two new shows might seem like a lot, but honestly - having them be so different really helps me balance out. Like a tightrope walker attempting to cross from one side to another, Zarathustra watching on, wisely, I stand midway between two worlds. Yes, I might fall - but it’s our sacred human duty to attempt the crossing, and to aspire towards something greater. The UberFrauline. Failure is completely inevitable, but… look, I only read half of Thus Spake Zarathustra - I don’t know if I really understand what he was getting at. What I’m saying is, I’m really funny and clever and I’m going to pull it off. I’m not like that tightrope walker from the story. I’m much cooler.
Anyway, that’s enough for today. Be good. Talk to you later. Bye.
Jen x